… but of course, you probably shouldn’t. My imaginary novel might begin like this…. if it began at all. How about yours? You have to make the best of things. Especially when these creatures...
Author: Andrew Goodman
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“Jail Time Warranted” For Youths Who Misuse Search Engines: Agency Head — The Shallot
By James Dinnerklieg Digital Culture Reporter — The Shallot October 15, 2013 Children engaged in class projects, or simply curious about what something is, have been playing havoc with online advertiser ROI, according...
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Recently, Canada lost a giant in marketing: Dave Nichol. Strangely, for twelve hours following his death, only one media outlet reported it. And the tributes and official obituaries were particularly slow to trickle in....
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Continuing the data dump. Data: what a great way to start the week! Client B In a travel-related business. The dataset is pretty big, so no problem with reliability here. We’re getting lukewarm, but...
At a recent conference, a Google executive reiterated what has become a surprisingly sustained refrain from Google since the full switchover to the Enhanced Campaigns architecture in AdWords: Google believes that “tablet behavior is...