Previous Page There Remain Many Receptive Fish in the Ocean In some ways, the free nature of the search engine placement game obscured the fact that particular site owners’ means of playing the game were...
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In a recent article, Why Search Engine Marketing Works, I emphasized that there are two special advantages of search engines from the marketer’s perspective: (i) targeting, and (ii) legitimacy. Let’s stay with these themes, exploring the legitimacy question in particular. Since their inception,...
From the buzz in news releases, in email correspondence, and on popular discussion sites, we’ve learned that one topic seems to inordinately fascinate many people somehow connected to the “Internet industry”: marketing. Take, for example, many of...
Looksmart, the web directory infrastructure company noted for its staff of 200 professional category editors, has acquired youthful startup Zeal Media in a $20 million transaction. Zeal resembles the Open Directory Project (ODP) in that it uses volunteers to maintain...
Direct Hit bills itself as a “popularity engine.” Search results are ranked according to a formula which supposedly measures how many users click on a certain site for a given search term. For example, the...
Are you a new visitor to Consider subscribing to the Traffick monthly newsletter, our free e-mail newsletter, for reliable, updated, industry-leading info on search engine and portal trends. Searching for a Better Way: Part...
Searching for a Better Way: Part 3 This year, several companies have arrived on the scene promising to improve on traditional keyword searching through “meaning-based” search technology. Their premise is a good one: keyword...
Searching for a Better Way: Part 4 – Natural Language Searching Phrasing web searches in the form of a question is this week’s topic. Since Yahoo!’s IPO, we’ve been knee-deep in company names with...
Andrew reviews the latest web searching innovations in six areas: Popularity engines, better meta search, meaning-based search, natural language interfaces, expert search and pay-per-click search engines. Read below to find a summary of each...