The issue has been near-beaten-to-death in the United States. In fact, the FTC just concluded a long investigation involving hundreds of thousands of pieces of potential evidence that Yelp attempts to pressure businesses to...
Author: Andrew Goodman
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With the holiday rush over, many advertisers will be resting up from — and taking stock of — the past six weeks of frenzied bidding, higher sales, and hopefully strong returns. But we also...
Recently, I was pleased to see such extensive coverage of Nancy Peterson and HomeStars in a piece by Diane Jermyn in The Globe and Mail. One common misconception that cropped up, and you see...
Earlier this year, we were sad to wind down a relationship with an eight-year client. It wasn’t unexpected. Few projects take eight years to complete, and despite the need for close and meticulous ongoing...
At a recent keynote by Twitter Canada head Kirstine Stewart, I was struck by how she advised companies to engage their audiences with rich content first and foremost. In this regard, Twitter executives seem...
I’m certainly not qualified to work through the constitutionality of any proposed legislation, or legal judgment, that might seek to uphold privacy rights to the extreme of making it a publisher’s job to hide...
Is online advertising effective? Exactly how effective? It depends how you measure. Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg cites a recent case study by Canadian sporting goods chain Sport Chek attempting to prove that Facebook ads provide...
Last year, while many other advertisers were holding protests and doing the Chicken Little dance, I decided early on to say something different: Enhanced Campaigns were going to make things… yes… better. A year...
Sir Tim Berners-Lee posted this reflection on the Google Blog on the 25th anniversary of his invention of the World Wide Web. For those of us who were around then, it would be convenient...
Everyone in PPC (and related display advertising) today knows that ad rank is determined in part by your bid, and in part by a multifaceted relevancy measure called Quality Score. What many still don’t...