Today marks the end of the Blogger era on From almost seven years, from July 2002 to April 2010, we’ve been happy (OK, mostly happy) users of the Blogger publishing system. Despite Blogger’s idiosyncratic ways and Google’s surprisingly poor upkeep of the platform, Blogger was one of the few — if not the only — blogging platforms that allowed you to plug in a blog to an existing site, thanks to its FTP publishing feature.
If we’d had our druthers, we’d still be happy users of Blogger. Unfortunately, earlier this year, Google decided to terminate support for FTP publishing on May 1 (originally the cut-off date was March 26!). Google ultimately gave FTP users three whole months to decide whether to migrate to a Blogger custom domain, switch to another blogging platform, or to close up shop. Three months to decide and implement a potentially complicated infrastructure switch! I can only imagine the pain that larger enterprise users may have had to endure.
At Traffick, we mulled our options for weeks. Every choice was bad, but in the end, we opted for the least-bad scenario — moving to WordPress, the only option that allowed us to maintain our legacy articles and content pages while moving forward with blogging capability. An unavoidable side effect meant a switch to a subdomain for our blog posts: The only viable way to display new posts on our home page meant that our new blog subdomain had to serve as our site’s home page URL, too. Not an ideal scenario if you’re an information architect or if you care about search engine optimization.
Please take note of our new home page URL and let us know if you notice anything out of place. As for our RSS feed, because we use Feedburner to manage the feed, the URL should remain:
Thanks for your time!